249th Guatemala Eye Camp Albert Min “Guatemala: The Place of Blessing and Hope” "I will… Guatemala Reflection Iris Kim My first impression of Guatemala was shock. Security guards were holding… Junho Lee Guatemala Medical Mission Trip Reflection Seven days in Guatemala was such an amazing… Scott Lee LACES Gifted Magnet High School The 213th Vision Care Eye Camp in… Timothy Lee Baylor University Upon arrival at Guatemala, I was able to see… Angela Oh My experience with Vision Care in Guatemala was nothing short of extraordinary. Prior… Upon arrival in Guatemala, we were already at a loss with most of the medical… VCS Guatemala as Short Mission Trip In all my years of attending short mission trips,…Guatemala Eye Camp 2017
Read more“Guatemala: The Place of Blessing and Hope”
Guatemala camp “I could see that joy.”
Guatemala Medical Mission Trip Reflection
213th Vision Care Eye Camp Guatemala
213th Vision Care Eye Camp: Guatemala
My experience with Vision Care in Guatemala was nothing short of extraordinary
we can make a difference by Jaeyi Hahn
VCS Guatemala as Short Mission Trip by Jihyun Lee