2nd Vision Care Student Art Contest Winner list

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    2nd Vision Care Student Art Contest Winner list 

    Thank you for applying 2nd  Vision Care Student Art Contest.

    Thank you all for participating in our 2nd  Vision Care Art Contest. We have made fair selection of 25 winners including the  Grand Prize  winner (1) , First Places (11), Second places (9)  and  Special prize (4) by 3 Vision Care Directors and 1 Art specialist. The winners are mentioned below.

    <Winner list>

    Grand prize

                      Sungwoo Choo ( 12th  grade)

     First place

     Katie Lee(1st Grade)

    Danbee Kim(2nd Grade)

    Kate Martinez(3rd Grade)

    Junghyun Edward Ju(4th  Grade)

    Haneum Kim(6th Grade)

    Kevin Jung(7th Grade)

    Kristy Lee(8th Grade)

    Shihyun Kim(9th  Grade)

     Jennifer Park(10th Grade)

    Jiwon Min(11th Grade)

    Aron Shim(12th Grade)

    second place 

    Karen Martinez (3rd Grade)

     Faith Kim (4th  Grade)

    Kate Jang (6th Grade)

     Brent Park (7th Grade)

    Phoebe Lee (8th Grade)

    Ellie Kim (9th  Grade)

    Anna Yang (10th Grade)

     Lee Shin (11th Grade)

    Angela Oh (12th Grade)

    Special Prize (3RD  Place)

            Ellie Cung(3th Grade)

            Yeji Jeong(10th Grade)

            Andrew Jeong(10th Grade)

            Danielle Kim(12th Grade)

    A Grand prize winner will receive a $500 scholarship.   First place winners will receive a $100 scholarship and second place  winners will receive a certificate from Vision Care Service West. 

    The celebration banquet will be held at Open Bank Western branch on Aug 27, 2016 3:00PM.

    We hope all award winners will be present and will contact you individually for confirmation.

    Date:  Saturday, Aug 27, 2016

    Time: 3:00 pm

    Location: Open Bank Western Office

    Address: 550 South Western Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90020

    All awarded works  included  3rd Place will be exhibited at Open Bank Western Branch for 2 weeks starting Aug  27, 2016. Winners may pick up their works on the last day of the exhibit(Aug 10) 

    Excluding the winners, please  pick  up your art work  at Open bank  Western branch . VCS West will not be responsible for any artwork  not pick  up  until  Sep 10, 2016 .  

    The $20 contest fee will be used to perform surgeries to restore eyesight to those who are visually impaired, and we will send out tax deduction receipt to all participants.

    Thank you.

    제 2차 비전케어 학생아트 컨테스트에 참여해주신 여러분 감사합니다.

     대상 1,  1등상 11, 2등상 9, 특별가작상 4명 등 총 25개의 작품을  3명의 비전케어 이사와 1명의 미술 전문가가 선정하였습니다.

    올해 대상을 받은 작품은 수준높은 미술 실력을 보여준 작품들이 많았습니다.  주제에 맞춰 구성이나 내용이 촘촘하고 공을 들인 작품들을 엿볼 수 있었으면  전체적으로 접수된 작품 하나하나에 따뜻한 마음을 볼 수 있었습니다. 저학년에는 기술보다는 아이디어를 중심으로 심사하였으며,  고학년은 기술과 구성 부문에 신경을 써서 수상작을 선정하였습니다.  

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